• What is a licence?

    A licence grants you the right to use generally recognised trademarks, images, videos or training, The licensor retains ownership of the copyright while the licensee (the user) purchases the right to use the trademark for an agreed period.

  • What licenses are available?

    Site Licence for Bricks Based Therapy Training in Schools to be used in conjunction with a BLU Trainer Licence. Schools with a Site Licence appoint a BLU Trainer.

  • Who can a school choose to appoint as BLU Trainer?

    School Staff Member.

  • Why schools purchase licences?

    For all school staff to receive in-house face to face Bricks Based Therapy Training throughout the year. Schools appoint a BLU Trainer for Bricks Based Therapy Training in their school.

  • What are the benefits of licences?

    Schools choose to take the site licence training route and appoint a BLU Trainer for a number of different reasons. For schools with a large number of staff to train to use the approach of Bricks Based Therapy, this route can make more financial sense than purchasing individual on-site training sessions £175 per person from Builders Learning UK (BLU).

  • How can licences be beneficial?

    Compared to purchasing individual on-site training sessions £175 per person from Builders Learning UK (BLU). Also just one inset day of 4 hour training for 25 people will cost £4375 therefore the site licence can be more beneficial. As licences allow a whole year of in-house Bricks Based Therapy Training for internal staff at school with an appointed BLU Trainer. Example : Inset day Bricks Based Therapy training has taken place in Spring term. Summer term new staff join the school and require training unfortunately they missed the inset day. The school pay for individual on-site training for the new staff.

  • How many staff can the site licence train ?

    As many as the school requires during the 12 months the site licence covers which is renewable annually. Consider how many school staff need to be trained, over how many weeks/months and the impact of staff turnover or new starters. Experience has shown that on average, a site licence can allow the appointed BLU Trainer to deliver training to between 12 and 25 people a month. Therefore if you compare the individual on-site training and inset day cost mentioned above, it is beneficial to acquire a Site Licence and appoint a BLU Trainer as this route can make more financial sense.

  • Is your school interested ?

    If you are school interested in a staff member becoming a BLU Trainer and acquiring a Site License, please fill out your information using the link to the form below and we will be in contact shortly.